
5 Essential Things to Pack for Your Stay in Inpatient Rehab

Going into an inpatient rehabilitation facility can feel intimidating for first-timers. However, it might be the one brave step you must take to achieve total remission from alcohol or drugs. Contrary to popular misconception, rehab centers are not all about guided therapy sessions. Most programs factor in several breaks, during which patients can unwind, socialize, work out, and even pursue their hobbies. Not to mention bathroom, meal, and nap breaks. All these activities, along with the counseling sessions, are necessary to accelerate your recovery from alcohol or drugs. Therefore, knowing what to pack is essential if you stay in an inpatient rehabilitation center. In this guide, we unpack the five crucial items to include in your inpatient rehab packing list.   

  1. Personal Identification Documents of Inpatient Rehab

Rehabilitation centers are officially medical facilities. As such, you can only receive treatment after identifying yourself. If you plan to go into an inpatient rehab in Iroquois County, personal identification documents are the first to add to your checklist. Start with your government-issued identity (ID) card. These could be a passport, state ID, or driver’s license.  

Ensure all renewable documents are valid. No self-respecting rehabilitation center will accept an expired passport or driver’s license. Next, gather your medical documents, including your insurance card and medical records. Many reputable rehabilitation facilities accept Medicaid. However, inquire from a rehab center if your medical insurance is accepted before seeking an inpatient admission.  

Other health records, such as your recent medical profile and substance abuse history, will be critical in designing an effective treatment program for you. Lastly, include relevant legal documents. These include traffic citations and police clearance certificates. Such documents can enhance proper coordination between your rehabilitation facility and law enforcement, especially if you’re a party in an ongoing case. 

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  1. Clothing and Toiletries

For a comfortable stay at a rehabilitation facility, you’ll need clothing you can change into as required. However, don’t bring several suitcases into a rehab center. A few comfortable clothes would do. Ideally, the duration you plan on staying in an inpatient rehab should determine the amount of clothing to bring. Avoid close-fitting outfits. Such clothing can cause great discomfort, reduce blood circulation, and impede your ability to freely interact with fellow patients.  

Loose-fitting clothing, such as sweatpants, sweatshirts, and hoodies, are highly recommended. Just ensure they aren’t oversized. It’s also best to avoid clothing with foul language, explicit images, or drug- and alcohol-related references. Showing up in a t-shirt screaming, “More beer, please,” can have devastating effects on other patients trying to recover from alcohol use disorder (AUD).  

If you must wear printed outfits, ensure they contain inspirational messages. Affirmations like “Yes, we can” or “We’ll overcome” can help spread positive vibes around the rehab center, inspiring resilience in fellow addicts. Sleeping robes and pajamas are also recommended. Don’t forget comfortable footwear, such as flip-flops for showers and sneakers for regular workouts. When done with clothing, add toiletries to your packing list. These include; 

  • Soaps or body wash 
  • Creams, salves, and ointments 
  • Alcohol-free shampoos and hair conditioners 
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste 
  • Non-aerosol deodorants 
  • Make-up products (if allowed) 
  1. Prescription Medications

If you’re presently on medication, whether for an acute or chronic illness, you’ll need to pack your prescription meds. Leaving your drugs at home may cause the condition under treatment to worsen, impacting the outcome of your rehab program. Packing prescription medications is particularly recommended for people with acute substance use disorder, who may occasionally forget to take their drugs.  

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More importantly, ensure each drug is backed by a written prescription from a professional medical practitioner.  Many inpatient rehabs won’t allow medicines that cannot be traced back to a real doctor. That includes over-the-counter (OTC) medications obtained without a licensed doctor’s recommendations. Therefore, you must make prior inquiries before bringing OTCs to an inpatient rehabilitation facility.  

Having all medications in their original sachets or bottles is also essential. Besides, each drug should be clearly labeled to avoid confusion. This allows an inpatient rehab’s medical staff to store and dispense the medicines as prescribed. Be sure also to inform your rehab center if you’re on treatment for a long-term condition and may need your current drug stock replenished. The facility will require this information to facilitate timely drug purchases at nearby pharmacies. 

  1. Emotionally Supportive Materials

As previously hinted, a rehab center is about jumping from one therapy session to another. There are multiple breaks to unwind, catch up on your hobbies, and keep in touch with your dear ones. That underscores the significance of bringing emotionally supportive materials. While a pet would be ideal here, only a handful of rehab centers will let you bring your furry companion. Fortunately, many facilities allow music players.  

Making an MP3 playlist of your favorite tracks gives you something to jam to during routine breaks. Remember to download the playlist beforehand, as most inpatient rehab centers prohibit internet access for patients. A small alarm clock and cell phone are other emotionally supportive devices to bring to a rehab center. Just remember that access to your phone may be highly restricted. Lastly, bring contact information for your supportive family and friends. Photos of them would be even more desirable. 

  1. Journaling and Payment Materials

One of the most creative ways to spend time in an inpatient rehabilitation center is by documenting your stay there. Therefore, ensure your packing list contains a journal. Journaling your experiences can promote self-reflection and self-awareness, both of which are critical for recovering addicts. It’s also a positive distraction compared to sitting idly while entertaining drug cues. Regular breaks in inpatient rehabilitation centers also allow you to turn a few pages of your favorite novel.  

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But as you may have guessed, there are restrictions on the reading materials you can bring. Inspirational literature, such as self-improvement books, is highly recommended. Steer clear of novels with drug, violence, or erotic themes.  As for the payment materials, some rehabs permit a small amount of cash ($50 – 100) for spending at the facility’s vending machines or canteens. 

Parting Shot 

Knowing “what” to pack for an inpatient rehabilitation facility isn’t enough. It’s also prudent to understand “how” to pack those essentials.  The first thumb rule is to pack light, bringing only what you require for your intended duration of stay. Labeling your personal effects properly is essential to avoid misplacing them.  

More importantly, check with the rehab facility ahead before preparing a checklist. Be sure to understand the services offered and what’s prohibited. Commonly proscribed items include alcohol, drugs, weapons or sharp tools, jewelry, and large sums of money.

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